Use the following template or our APA Citation Generator to cite a e-book or pdf. For help with other source types, like books, PDFs, or websites, check out our other guides. To have your reference list or bibliography automatically made for you, try our free citation generator.
Place this part in your bibliography or reference list at the end of your assignment.
Author Surname, Author Initial. (Year Published). Title (p. Pages Used). City: Publisher. Retrieved from http://Website URL
ÖZKAHRAMAN, PhD RN, Ş., & YILDIRIM, PhD RN, B. (2011). An Overview of Critical Thinking in Nursing and Education (1st ed., pp. 192, 193). Retrieved from
Place this part right after the quote or reference to the source in your assignment.
(Author Surname, Year Published)
Thinking and learning are interrelated; one must think to gain knowledge. To be able to add to the depth and breadth of an individual’s knowledge, the individual must become more aware of and more skilled in thinking and the cognitive processes. Critical thinking in nursing education is a means by which nurses can use analysis, questioning, interpretation, and reflection to resolve patient care issues.” (ÖZKAHRAMAN, PhD RN & YILDIRIM, PhD RN, 2011)
To cite an ebook in APA style using the narrative citation format, use the author’s last name and year of publication. The year of publication alone is placed within parentheses.
Narrative In-Text Citation for eBook Template and Example:
Last name (Publication Year)
How do I format a parenthetical citation for an ebook in APA style?To cite an ebook in APA style using the parenthetical citation format, use the author’s last name and year of publication together in parentheses.
Parenthetical In-Text Citation for eBook Template and Example:
(Last name, Publication Year)
How do I format a reference list entry for an ebook in APA style?Formatting a reference list entry for an ebook in APA style is similar to citing a print book. You need to include the name(s) of the author(s), year of publication, title of the ebook, and the URL. The device name (e.g., Kindle) does not need not be included in your citation.
Below are a template and example for how to cite an ebook in an APA-style reference list.
Author’s Surname, F. M. (Year). Title of the e-book. Publisher. URL
Stockett, K. (2009). The help. Berkley.
What is the difference between a citation for a print book and a citation for an ebook in APA style?As per the APA Publication Manual, there are some subtle variations between providing citations for a print book and an ebook. Both citations should include the name of the author, publication year, name of the book, and the publisher. However, an ebook edition also includes a URL where the ebook can be found, and direct quotes may be cited differently for ebooks without page numbers.
Below are templates and examples for how you can cite print books and ebooks in APA style in both in-text citations and in your reference list.
In-text citation templates (print book)
Parenthetical: (Author Last Name, year, p. #)
Narrative: Author Last Name (year, p. #)
In-text citation examples (print book)
Parenthetical: (Navya, 2022, p. 23)
Narrative: Navya (2022, p. 23)
In-text citation templates (ebook)
Parenthetical: (Last Name, year, p. # or header/section name)
Narrative: Last Name (year, p. # or header/section name)
Note: If page numbers are not available in the ebook edition, you may use a heading or section name, paragraph number, or chapter title to help point the reader to the passage you are citing.
In-text citation examples (ebook)
Parenthetical: (Navya, 2022, para. 4)
Narrative: Navya (2022, para. 4)
Reference list template (print book)
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the book (edition, if applicable) (Editor’s First Initial, Last Name, Ed.). Publisher Name.
Reference list example (print book)
Navya, P. K. (2022). Misadventures of a forgotten fairy (D. Desserts, Ed.). Anxious Printers.
Reference list template (ebook)
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Year). Title of the ebook (edition, if applicable) (Editor’s First Initial, Last Name, Ed.). Publisher Name. URL or DOI
Reference list example (ebook)