How to Make Double Sided Name Tents in Word: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making double sided name tents in Word is a breeze once you know the right steps. Essentially, you’ll be creating a table, inputting your names, and then formatting the document for double-sided printing. It’s a handy trick for meetings, workshops, and conferences to help participants get to know each other. Let’s dive in and get those name tents ready!

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Make Double Sided Name Tents in Word

Before we start, know that you’re about to create something useful and professional-looking. These steps will guide you through the process of making double sided name tents that stand up on their own and can be read from both sides.

Step 1: Open a new Word document

Start by opening Microsoft Word and creating a new blank document.

A new canvas awaits! This is where your name tent creation begins. Ensure that your Word is updated to avoid any compatibility issues during the process.

Step 2: Create a table

Insert a table that has two columns and one row.

This table will act as a template for your name tents. The two columns represent the front and back of the tent, while the row height will determine the tent’s size.

Step 3: Enter the names

Type the names into the cells of the table, making sure they are centered.

The names should be big and bold so they can be read from a distance. You might want to choose a clear, easy-to-read font like Arial or Calibri.

Step 4: Format the table

Adjust the row height to the desired tent height, and remove the table borders if preferred.

Imagine your name tent standing on a table. The height needs to be just right—not too tall to tip over and not too short to be overlooked.

Step 5: Print the document

Print the document using the "Print on Both Sides" option if available, or manually flip the paper to print on the other side.

Printing double sided can be tricky, but most modern printers have an option for it. If not, you can always print one side, reinsert the paper, and print the other side. Just make sure to do a test run first!

After you’ve printed your name tents, you’ll fold them along the table row, and voila! They will stand proudly displaying names to all passersby.

Tips for Making Double Sided Name Tents in Word

Frequently Asked Questions

What size should I make the name tents?

The size of the name tents is up to you, but a common size is about 4 inches tall when folded.

Remember, you want the names to be easily readable from across a room without taking up too much space on the table.

How do I make sure the text is readable from both sides?

Make sure to center the text in each cell and use the ‘text direction’ feature to rotate the text as needed.

You may need to adjust the text alignment and direction depending on how your printer outputs the document.

Can I add a logo to the name tents?

Absolutely! Insert your logo or any graphic into one of the cells for a custom look.

This is an excellent way to brand the event or to add a personal flair to the name tents.

What should I do if my printer doesn’t have double-sided printing?

You can manually print one side, reinsert the paper, and print the other side. Just make sure to test this method to avoid errors.

It may take a few tries to get the paper orientation right, so be patient and do a few practice runs.

Can I save the name tents to use again?

Yes, you can save the document and reuse it for future events. Just replace the names as needed.

This is a great time-saver for recurring meetings or annual events where name tents are a staple.


  1. Open a new Word document.
  2. Create a table with two columns and one row.
  3. Enter names into the table cells.
  4. Format the table to your preferred tent height.
  5. Print the document double sided.


Creating double sided name tents in Word is a skill that comes in handy more often than you’d think. Whether you’re hosting a small workshop or a large conference, these tents help to break the ice and encourage networking. Plus, they just look neat and organized on a table!

By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you’ll be making professional-looking name tents in no time. Remember to keep those tips in mind for a smooth process, and don’t hesitate to get creative with fonts and logos. If you run into any trouble, refer back to the frequently asked questions for a quick fix.

So go ahead, fire up Word, and start crafting those name tents. With a little practice, you’ll be the go-to person for making double sided name tents in Word at your workplace or among your friends. Happy printing!

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.